Over the next few weeks JUFC members will be bombarded with all sorts of advertising and requests in relation to a few events we have coming up.
It’s really important that everyone understands how crucial these events are to the club in terms of cour spirit and financing.
It might feel like it’s one thing after another but in reality, it’s only two social gatherings and the selling of ten raffle tickets.
Without a proper facility the club has historically relied on such events to build relationships and fundraise.
At the end of the day, it all goes back into benefiting the club so the more successful they are the better for all.
Below are the details and a brief description of each event.
Joondalup Joe’s First Birthday
When: Sunday, May 27, 4pm
Where: The Northshore Tavern, Whitfords
First up its Joondalup Joe’s first birthday this Sunday, starting at 4pm.
It’s just a bit of fun and an opportunity to fill up the Northshore with everyone from JUFC as it is very rare to have juniors, amateurs and National Premier League (NPL) all under one roof.
Bring the family, wear your JUFC gear and let’s represent the club. It is also a great chance to activate your JUFC member card and thank the Northshore for their sponsorship this season.
If you will be attending the event, we ask that you please jump onto the event on our Facebook page and click ‘going’ so we can get an idea of numbers.
The last thing we want to happen is the Northshore not having enough staff rostered on to handle the demand.
JUFC Club Raffle
When: Ticket sales commence this weekend and the winners will be drawn on Friday, June 22 at the mid-season function
The JUFC club raffle kicked off in 2016 and was very successful but we want to raise a lot more than we did in its inaugural year and hit this one out of the park.
Every club member will be issued with ten $10 raffle tickets and this is the minimum amount you are expected to sell.
It would be great if you could sell more – sell them at work, to your family, to your mates, anyone really as the more we sell the more we make for the club.
There will be a prize for the person who sells the most and for the team that sells the most, we could potentially raise $40,000 to $50,000 if everyone does their part.
Mid-season function (Race Night, with a twist)
When: Friday, June 22, 7pm
Where: Currambine Community Centre
Finally, we have the mid-season function.
This year we are moving away from a sit-down event like Bogan Bingo or a quiz night and instead hosting a Race Night, with a twist.
We are hoping this will provide a more interactive event for all members with designated time at the end of the night for a bit of a dance, something which has been missing over the past few years.
The night promises to be a great laugh with cheap drinks on offer and, with the club raffle being drawn on this night, there’s no reason to miss it.
The Community Centre can hold 300 people and with a club of our size there is no reason we shouldn’t be filling it.
This is an event open to the entire club and we would love to see a great representation from the junior parents in the club, especially ones who have not yet attended a JUFC social function.
It is always a busy time of year for the committees and we ask that you do your part by attending events, selling tickets and, most of all, having a great time.
It’s all about everyone chipping in and doing a little bit instead of a few people doing everything.
Doing your bit to help the club.
That’s it. That’s your three things for the year, but it’s all going down over the next month.
So, get on board, put the dates in your diary and get involved!