
Onside Sports join JUFC as official merchandise partner

Joondalup United are delighted to announce that Onside Sports have come on board as the club’s official merchandise partner for the 2020 season and beyond.

Joondalup United are delighted to announce that Onside Sports have come on board as the club’s official merchandise partner.

Located in Malaga, Onside Sports is a leading supplier for all things football and has become a staple within the Perth football community.

JUFC members and supporters can now purchase a range of club merchandise from Onside Sports’ website, with Adidas the kit supplier.

“Onside Sports and Adidas are very proud to partner with one of Western Australia’s leading football clubs Joondalup United for season 2020 and beyond,” said Caeser Aquino of Onside Sports.

“Onside Sports will provide the club and members with Adidas products and the new JUFC online store which will give the members access to the latest JUFC Adidas teamwear for the club.

“JUFC members will receive offers during the season to help develop the partnership.”

To purchase JUFC merchandise, simply head to the online store and place an order.

As a special introductory offer, Onside Sports are offering free initials on hoodies and training jackets for delivery at the beginning of April. Simply use the code JUFCI20 at checkout.

A PDF of all 2020 JUFC merchandise can be found here, or check out the image below.